A resurgence is sweeping through Fort Lauderdale’s North Beach Village (NOBE) and it could transform the beachside neighborhood into South Florida’s most desirable, environmentally-friendly, walkable destinations.

For more than a year, FAU students and researchers have been developing plans to transform NOBE into an easy-to-navigate neighborhood, designed to be resilient to rising waters and heavy rain.

NOBE already hosts a number of popular restaurants and boutiques, as well as neighborhood-wide events like the NOBE Art Walk. So the goal of the redesign is to enhance the experience of spending a night on the town by improving landscaping, lighting and seating elements, while improving walkability with streamlined streets and wider sidewalks that connect restaurants, retailers, and ultimately, people.

The area will also feature more vegetation, permeable pavement and flood-adaptive architecture to minimize the effects of flooding from rain or tidewater.

As NOBE continues to evolve into South Florida’s most sophisticated walkable neighborhood, it’s the perfect time for condominium buyers to claim their place nearby on Fort Lauderdale’s Barrier Island.